Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hospoitality should go both ways

The year was 1957.  The place was a small community in Alabama--the heart of Klan country.  A young white preacher drops in to a Black Baptist Church unannounced, is welcomed without hesitation, is told he will preach, does so, and warms to a hospitality he cannot return.  And people wonder why I became active in Civil Rights.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Tin Man Triathalon, Topeka, Kansas is a scaled down version of the Iron Man.  3:21 hours, 11:6 seconds put me pretty close to last but left me with a victory in my book of memories.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Prophet in his own time

The Rev Emmett Wilson (Brother Wilson) lived in a simpler time but his courage, compassion, and his passion for justice should inspire all those who work for a better, fairer world